Terra Cotta Soldier Dance
As I view the dancers in the video below, I’m struck by their generosity and skill. Jorge on the right of the screen and Garrent on the left are learning a dance titled “The Terracotta Soldier” from the Chinese dancer in the center (for more about the Chinese Terra Cotta Army of soldiers go to […]
The Missing Coffee Cup
Unfortunately, my efforts to communicate on this trip were less successful. Each day, our group and our Chinese hosts ate our meals together in the campus hotel dinning room, where we were staying. The meals were generally the same each day. Mysteriously non-western, with mostly unrecognizable ingredients. Most of the company were open to trying […]
What time is the show?
The days in the studio flew by. The university cameras captured every step of our dancing, and our hosts asked for copies of our music. This violates copyright laws and is illegal in the United States, but I learned that the Chinese venerate their teachers by copying them exactly. Anything put “out there” for all […]